Aura Dione im Interview

Aura Dione hat ihre Single „I Will Love You Monday (365)“ in nur 4 Wochen auf Platz 1 der deutschen Single-Charts gebracht. Ein sensationeller Erfolg, zu dem wir gratulieren. nora92 hat sie per Mail über ihr Leben, ihre Hobbies und LizzyNet ausgefragt...

Lies das Interview auf deutsch

Aura Dione

"Es ist wirklich wichtig, dass wir Mädels zusammenhalten", sagte die dänische Sängerin und Gitarristin Aura Dione zu LizzyNet. Und da hat sie doch recht, oder? Welche Botschaften sie noch für uns bereit hält, könnt ihr im folgenden Interview nachlesen, dass nora92 mit ihr führte...

Do you like your new life as a star and how does it differ from your life before?

I have been writing music since I was a kid, I have played guitare for years, I used to sing my songs for my family and friends, today I share it with the world or everyone that likes to listen ;-) I am really excited about that!!

Which dream was the first you made come true since you are that famous?

Well right now I try to be in the moment and just enjoy it as much as possible.. I love playing music!

How did you react when you knew that you were on the first place in the german music charts?

I cried... I was so happy! and I still am. It has been a long journey, and I am so proud that I kept believing that it was possible to be on top! Yeeehhaaaa

Are you still in contact with your family and friends, or don´t you have enough time?

Yes ofcourse I am! But at the moment I am travelling alot, I just finished a radio tour with my single I will Love you Monday! But I will enjoy Christmas with my family and spent New Years Eve with my bestfriends..

Where and when is your next gig?

I will go on a German tour in the beginning of february. For more info you can go to

Will you release a new single soon?

Sure!! next year.

How did you become so famous?

I think that a good song always find a way out! I love what I do, and I will do it forever, because it makes me feel so alive. I think that no matter what you do, as long as you put your heart and soul into it, it will be a succes.. My album Columbine is a piece of my heart!

What are your future plans?

To write songs, produce my songs, play concerts, have fun, meet people, read books, travel the world, learn how to play Banjo, and hopefully live happyly ever after! :-)

Do you know lizzynet, and what do you think about communities like this, that are only for girls

I think it is really important that us girls stick together, Sometimes I really miss my girlfriends when I am touring with my band because they are all boys, I wish that there were more great female musicians out there.. then we could play together!

*Aura, thank you very much for answering our questions!*

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Autorin / Autor: nora92 - Stand: 21. Dezember 2009