77 ways to say no to weed!

- No, I already eat too much junk food.
- No, what do I look like? A hippie?
- Top three answers on the board, survey says. NO!
- No thanks, I'm into reality.
- Got a pen? Write this down. NO.
- No, not now. Ask me again in a billion years.
- Right now's no good. How's never?
- Two words. N.O.
- No, the weather just isn't right for it.
- No, I never smoke on days which ends in y.
- No, weed's a bit too twentieth century for me.
- Haven't seen the fried egg in those ads?
- Look at the time. Gotta go.
- No, we might all end up on one of those cop shows.
- I'll pass.
- No way, put it away.
- Are you crazy?
- Sorry, I got stuff to do.
- Not today, not tomorrow. How about never?
- Nah, I have plans today.
- See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya.
- No can do.
- Nope. Smell ya later!
- No, I'm allergic.
- No, but if you have any chocolate...
- I've got to get home and walk my dog.
- No, I only smoke sausage.
- No, I don't know where that stuff's been.
- No, grass is mowing.
- No, I don't have any money for potato chips.
- Nah, I hate anything green.
- No, that's cruelty toward plants.
- No, I might wind up in one of those ads.
- I don't have time for drugs.
- I don't do pot things.
- I don't want your life.
- Sorry, I'm on a drug free diet.
- Uhhh....let me think...No!
- Not now. Maybe in the next millennium.
- You must be mistaking me for an idiot.
- I don't think so.
- Poof! Be gone.
- I'd rather eat my mother's mystery casserole.
- No, it's not my style.
- No. And get a life while you're at it.
- I'm on my way to the mall.
- Did you just ask me if I wanted to drug? I didn't think so.
- No, I don't talk to a stranger.
- I don't want to have "pot" breath.
- No, weeds are for whacking.
- No, I'm already weird enough.
- What does this look like? Woodstock?
- I prefer my brown eyes to your red eyes.
- My parents did and look at them now.
- No, it'll violate my parole.
- What part of "no" don't you understand?
- I'll say it slow for you, "nnnnooooo".
- No, I have a very busy schedule.
- No, no, a thousand times no.
- No offense, but no.
- Gee thanks, but I'm high on life.
- No, somebody might see us.
- No. Get it? Got it? Good.
- No, my imagination is good enough already.
- No thanks, I already feel paranoid.
- No, I might forget my locker combination.
- No way, I might be tempted to eat school food.
- No, if I want to look stupid I'll become a mime.
- Let's not go there.
- No, you might be an undercover cop.
- No, I got places to go, people to see.
- No, in fact, never.
- No tonight, I have a headache.
- No, like my brain the way it is.
- No thanks, I might get kicked off the Math team.
- How do they say "No" on your planet?
- No, and that's my final answer!
Autorin / Autor: den Reporterinnen - Stand: 16. Juni 2000